wordpress - Woocommerce: get a list for all sku product -

Let me have a & lt; Li & gt; All the scores in an ecommerce in the list I believe that I should use the foreach cycle, but I do not know how to choose all the products.

Thanks for all the answers, and sorry for my bad english. Gratings

Please try it. Let me know that it works perfectly;)

  $ args = array ('post_type' = & gt; 'product', 'posts_per_page' => 1); Query_posts ($ Args); If (is_pause ()): echo '& lt; Ul & gt; '; While (is_pause ()): the_post (); Echo & lt; Li & gt; '$ PRODUCT- & gt; Received_cu () '& lt; / Li & gt; '; Endwhile; Echo & lt; / Ul & gt; '; end if;  

