I am using the Foursquare API to add / edit locations. I have created an FS user, and my app has been created, I have an auto token exchange and my user is a token.
From here I can call the required APIs to add a site, you can get to this site, and then edit this site. It works brilliantly, like attraction.
Then I was made a manager of a different place. At FS Web Front End, I am able to see and manage this site - that is to change its name and so on.
When I try to change this other site again via API, the following feedback: <"> meta": {"code": 403, "error type": "no_accepted", "Error Delett": "User is not authorized to edit location"}, "feedback": {}}
The API call that works, and who does not, The only difference between the FS location ID (which I know is correct). I'm clearly missing something, but I do not know - any thoughts?
The reason seems to be that when you add a person to the website as a site owner , Then this action only allows this person to manage the location through the website. Think about it FS website just like your FE app, yours or mine
This can be considered a bit weird if my app can authorize your app to act as your user's manager.
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