c# - Regex.IsMatch returns true when shouldn't -

I have a Regex pattern, which is all alphanumeric characters, and - , _ < / Code>, . and location

"[A-Za-z0-9-_.] +"

I have a string with this code Trying to use Regex.IsMatch , but it returns true . Why?

  string pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9-_.] +"; String input = "RTGF & amp; ** ((& amp;; bool is match = regesx.ismatch (input, pattern); // is true, why?  

This matches because your string contains one or more characters in [A-Za-z0- 9-_.] If you want only to set, change your pattern to:

  string pattern = "^ [azza-j 0-9] -D.] + $ ";  

This pattern breaks from the beginning to the end of the string to match If you will.
