When retrieving the label's AAL list from Gmail, they return as a single string such as:
If the pattern is regular then I can just wait until it is repeated through the characters
1. Describe the loop to the second "\" character.
At this point you know how your first word is Store in a variable.
2. From the previous position, again until you complete a space character loop.
Now you know Store what is the second segment in a variable.
3 From the previous position, until you find any quotation marks, the loop.
You now Nte whether the third segment, then store in a variable.
4 From the previous position, the loop until you complete a second quote mark.
Now you have the fourth segment and the fifth is whatever remains. Store in both variables.
At each stage you want to do some trimming but it gives you the main idea. You may be able to work with your Segment Variable so that you want to get there from there.
Do not forget: This happens when the pattern is regular.
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