joomla - Delete row from database in administrator -

I have a component and I want to add a Delete button to the admin, but I can not do it for work Here is my code (all the rows that have been commented, I have tried them):

  ` ('Roy_testimonial'); $ Query-> Where ('testimonial_id =' '. $ _GET [' delete '].' '' ''); $ Db- & gt; SetQuery ($ query); } `/ * ----------------- END STERGERE ----------------------- * / / * -------------- AFISARE ------------------ * / `$ query- & gt; Select ('*'); `` `$ Db-> Setting ($ query); `` $ Options = $ db- & gt; LoadAssistlist (); $ `Foreach ($ options as $ rows) $ {$ rows_testimonial} from $ query- & gt; $ First name = heelentuctees ($ line ['first name']); $ Last name = htmlentities ($ line ['last name']); $ City = Comedy ($ line ['city']); $ State = hospitals ($ line ['state']); $ Mesaj = htmlentities ($ line ['user_mesaj']); $ Purchase = Histocytes ($ line ['your_purchase']); $ Sales = heelentiates ($ line ['sale']); $ Financing = interest ($ line ['financing']); $ Service = HTMLentities ($ line ['service']); $ Parts = hospitals ($ line ['part']); $ Accesories = HTMLentities ($ line ['accesories']); $ Id = $ line ['testimonial_id']; `/ * ----------------- End AFISARE ----------------- ------ * /`? & Gt; `` Lev Style = "Float: Left; Width: 600px;" & gt; `& lt; H2 style = "color: # 015CB7;" & Gt; & Lt;? PHP echo $ id; ? & Gt;) & lt ;? Php echo $ firstname ;? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ lastname ;? & Gt; `` & Lt; Font style = "color: # 000; font-size: 14px;" & Gt; (& Lt;? Php echo $ city; echo ','; echo $ state ;; & gt;) & lt; / Font & gt; & Lt; / H2 & gt; `& Lt; P & gt; `& lt; Font style = "font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" & Gt; Massage: & lt; / Font & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ mesaj; ? & Gt; & Lt; / P & gt; `& Lt; / Div> & lt; / l & gt; Div style = "float: left; width: 300px;" & gt; `lt ;! - Rating - & gt; `& Lt; H2 style = "color: # 015 CB 7" & gt; Rating & lt; / H2> `` Your Purchase: & lt ;? Buy php $ echo; ? & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; `Sales: & lt ;? Php $ sales; ? & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; `Financing & Insurance: & lt ;? Echo Php $ financing; ? & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; `` Service: & lt ;? Php ek $ service; ? & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; `` Part: & lt ;? Echo of php $ parts; ? & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; `Accesories: & lt ;? Echo php $ accesories; ? & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; `& Lt; / Div> & lt; / l & gt; Div style = "float: right; width: 300px;" & gt; `lt; A href = "Delete?" =? $ = $ Id;? & Gt; / Div & gt; `` & Lt; Div style = "clear: both;" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; `& Lt ;? Php}? & Gt; ` 

It is still, should I use the post rather than get it?

You actually set a query but did not execute it.

$ db-> Query ();


  $ db-> Set ($ query);  
