matlab - Calculating values of a column and writing them to an excel file -

I have an Excel file with some column data. The second column contains time values ​​in the following formats: HH: MM: Based on the values ​​from SS I want to calculate some new values, and write them on the second, empty column.

Example of Excel Sheet Layouts:

  ABCD 12:30:00 xxx xxx calculation value 00:30:00 xxx xxx calculation value  

The value in the column D will be calculated in such a way (pseudo-code):

  for each value in column A: val temp = Conversion from column A to min And divide by 30 (e.g. 00:30 -> (0 * 60) + 30 = 30/30 = 1) if (make the float & lt; 24): cellDValue = -180 + (temporary * 7.5) and floating = Temp - 24 cellDValue = Temp * 7.5  

Then the sheet above will look like this:

  Ab CD 12:30:00 xxx xxx 7, 5 00:30:00 xxx-127,5  

What would be the fastest way to achieve it?

"itemprop =" text ">

After this, you can get values ​​from dates with this code:

Due to the int intend intMin in the form of the int intensively intHin as the integer intHour dim as the integer integer dim intYear integer as obgDate = objDate = now intSecond = second (objDate) IntMin = minute as integer dim intMonth as intDay dim (objDate) intHour = hour (objDate) intDay = day (objDate) intMonth = month (objDate) intYear = year (objDate)

Them one Copy to the cell and calculate you need.
