jquery - Google Maps API v3 navigation (like Google maps for android) -

In our app we use a lot of Google Maps APIs. App is built in Jazzery, CSS, HTML; App runs in the browser

But we have to add navigation functions like Android Google Maps country in our webpage.

Is this possible with Google Maps API or is there something native to us to realize?

I have just written a long winding answer in the beginning, fortunately I am reading the question again Before giving ... ...

Not unless I am very wrong, there is no JavaScript equivalent of Android navigation services. I think it would be possible to create a custom solution (I think you want a route to update while traveling on your GPS cores etc.) by taking advantage of the routes, but it will not be trivial

I would have thought that the simplest solution would be to pass the native maps app to the beginning and end points of its root, though I am not an expert in Android development (Or contact between web app and phone).
