windows - Retrieving IP addresses allocated over a wireless hosted network -

What do I reveal as a very simple task? I started a wireless hosted network on Win7 by using Netswawa wlan hostednetwork ... and all were OK. Even communication with remote devices can be established. By using

arp -a -v , I can see the list of IP addresses and IP address of my remote device 192.168.173.xx.

Now, I have to find out just by using C ++ / CLI (.NET 4.5). I have never worked with the network, but I am not the beginner with .NET. However, I am not getting anything, whatever I tried, whatever I tried, failed to answer me. There should be no easy way, no?

Why do I need this because the remote device works as a server, so I need to send my request from my PC to that device's address ... all this.

Does anyone know how to do this operation?

It seems that I found myself solving this question ...

 GetIpNetTable2 ()  

Then scan this return function table see.

It uses Win32 functions instead of C ++ / CLI but it can be mixed.
