javascript - Access oldPanel hidden HTML variable in jQuery-UI Tab -

I am using jQuery 1.6.2 and jQuery-UI 1.9.0. I have some tabs like this:

  & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#document-tab" onclick = "return document tabgate ('', null);> Document & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & Gt; & lt; a href = "#tigant-tab" onclick = "Return Claimant Tabgate ('Crifling Lightning Dictate.', 'Empty)" & gt; Litigents & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & Gt; & lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "# scheduling-tab" onclic = "return scheduling tabgate ('CRFiling sd', blank);" gt; scheduling & lt; / a & gt; ;   

I have an active function before setup

  jQuery ("# ​​reviewtabs"). Tab ({select: function (event, UI) {returnSomething};}, show: function (event, UI) {// some stuff}, activate first: function Event, UI) {returnSomething ();}});  

Presenting one of those tabs on JSP, I first want to check hidden HTML input in activate. In the Chrome console I can see from the HTML typing ui.oldPanel, how can the value of the hidden field be obtained? I have tried ui.oldPanel.find ("dirty check"). Price and it is mandatory to come back.


OK, if Ui.oldPanel is not undefined, we should know what is dirty check is it an input id? Input CSS class? or something else?

If Dirty Investigation ID and input IP = "dirty check" type = "hidden" value = "..." />; is looking for you, you can get more value by using it and method:

  ui.oldPanel.find ('# dirty check'). Val ();  

If the dirty check is its CSS class, then use another method:

  ui.oldPanel.find ( '.dirtyCheck') .val ();  

If the return value is still compulsory, then double check that your input is actually in ui.oldPanel and give us the html where input is.
