So do I have a spinner, when I click on the spinner item I want to show the selectors of their own.
I wrote the code
Android: Spanish Android: Android: Android: Layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: layout_height = "38dp" Android: Leaut_marginbotm = "9 DP" Android : Leaut_margin = Lead = "16 DP" Android: Leaut_margin right = "L6dp" style = "@ style / Kshetrspinrthym" Android: Leaut_margintop = "9dp" / & gt; & Lt; Style name = "area spiniththeme" parent = "@ Android: theme. Light" & gt; & Lt; Item Name = "Android: Spinner Style" & gt; @ Style / widget. Spinner & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Style name = "widget. Spinner" original = "Android: widget" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: list selector" & gt; @drawable / tw_list_dark & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: dropdownseller" & gt; @drawable / tw_list_dark & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: drawSelectorOnTop" & gt; Wrong & lt; / Item & gt;
I'm getting green in the selection. Please help me
A and BTW: You should leave the Intermediate Step Field Spinner Team. Android: Android: layout_height = "38dp" android: layout_marginBottom = "9dp" Android: Android: Android: Layout_marginLeft = "L6dp" Android: Leaut_margin = "16dp" style = "@ style / widget.Spinner.Region" android: layout_marginTop = "9dp" /> & Lt; Style name = "widget.spinner.rajn" parent = "android: widget" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: dropdownseller" & gt; @drawable / tw_list_dark & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; But as stated, it does not work due to the bug.
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