How to revert the vague background using javascript (hidden using jquery) -

I have used this way to hide the screen behind a div (), I want to ask how

  function addalbum () {$ ('& lt; Div id = "__ msg_wrapper" & gt; '). CSS ("width": "100%", "height": "100%", "background": "# 000", "position": "fixed", "top": "alpha" (opacity = 60) , "Filter": "0", "left") "," mosaicity ": 0.6," vaccoposity ": 0.6," ambiguity ": 0.6}). Document.body; Document.getElementById (" album_name ") Style.display = "block";}  

This code shows the div with the fade in the "cover" div and the id "album_name", but the "cover" div is in its original state How to return

You can simply use. () And .hide () on the overlay div .

You Mr. Can it fade to switch from good to.
