InstallUtil throwing exception when trying to install windows service on Windows 2012 server -

I developed a window service using VS 2010 (32 bit), but it compiled it for 'no CPU' Done

I have transferred the required exe and other files to Windows Server 2012 (Standard Edition-64 bit), and now it is trying to install it using InstallUtil

< P> I changed the path at my command prompt "c: \ windows \ \ framework 64 \ v4.0.30319", and run the command

InstallUtil "D: \ MyPath \ MyService.exe "

but install fails with error

  Exceptions during install phase N The System.Security.SecurityException: source not found, but some or could not be found in all the event logs. Inaccessible log: Security  

I have tried to run InstallUtil as an administrator. Visual Studio is not a command prompt in the server.

How can I solve it?

I think this extension should be with (.exe) and without quotation marks. This is:

InstallUtil.exe D: \ MyPath \ MyService.exe

And if you are in "Windows PowerShell" then you "/". It is:

./InstantUtil.exe C: \ ServicesExample \ Services.MyService.exe

Always once upon you: C : \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 and running as administrator.
