I was playing with the Navy and after analyzing it still there is something I can not understand.
The blue selector suppresses those icons which do not appear to me to remove, is it typical for their method or simple misconception of jquery?
Here is the code
& lt; Button type = "button" role = "button" area-label = "toggle navigation" id = "mbtn" class = "lines-button x" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "lines" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; #mbtn {display: inline-block; Margin: 0 AM 1; Border: None; Background: None; } #Mbtn Duration {Display: Block; }. Line-button {padding: 2rem 1rem; Transition: .3s; Cursor: indicator; / * * /} .lines {Display: Inline-Block; Width: 4rem; Height: 0.57143rem; Background: # 211f20; Boundary-radius: 0.28571rem; Infection: 0.3s; Status: Relative; }. Lines: First, .line: {display: inline-block; Width: 4rem; Height: 0.57143rem; Background: # 211f20; Boundary-radius: 0.28571rem; Infection: 0.3s; Status: Completed; Left: 0; material: ''; -webkit-change-origin: 0.28571rem center; Resulting origin: 0.28571rem center; }. Rows: first {top: 1rem; }. Line: after {top: -1rem; } .line-button: hover. Line: first {top: 1.14286rem; } .line-button: hover Line: After {Head: -1.14286rem; } .LINE-button Turn off {-bbkit-conversion: scale 3D (0.8, 0.8, 0.8); Consequently, scale 3D (0.8, 0.8, 0.8); } .lines-button.x.close .lines {background: transparent; } .line-button.xcose Lines: First,. Lines-button.x Close Lines: {-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%; Change-origin: 50% 50%; Top: 0; Width: 4rem; } .line-button.x Close Lines: First {-webkit-transform: rotate3d (0, 0, 1, 45deg); Convince 3D rotation (0, 0, 1, 45 degrees); } .line-button.xcose Lines: {-webkit-transform: rotate3d (0, 0, 1, -45deg); Convince 3D rotation (0, 0, 1, -45 degree); } Var anchor = document.querySelectorAll ('button'); [] ForEach.call (anchor, function (anchor) {var open = false; click on anchor.} = Function (event) {event.preventDefault (); if (! Open) {this.classList.add ('close'); Open = true;} and {this.classList.remove ('close'); open = false;}}});
If you want to remove the limit on mobile, you must add it: < / P>
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
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