jquery - Remove image border using javascript -

I have an image that has a border and it should not be in Chrome, Safari, IE and Opera, but not Firefox. I'm assuming this is a browser default problem, but I'm struggling to delete it because it's running as AB Split Test and I'm unable to modify base html / css to run the test. I need to use it javascript / jquery.

The extent to which I need to remove is around the "selected" image.

Whatever I have tried here:

  $ ('select select effect'). CSS ({status: 'full', top: '112px', left: '5px', height: '26px', width: '90px', border: 'none', border style: 'none', background Image: "url ('http://www.annsbridalbargains.com/assets/ann/images/global/selectedOption.jpg')"});  

Here's the bella:

I need to remove it for IE, Chrome and Safari. If necessary, Opera looks like it can be ignored and works in functions.

I'm not sure why the border is visible WebKit Browser, but it seems that when the image In the src attribute, the gray border appears.

I decided to use src attribute, background :

  $ ('selectImg') Instead. CSS ({status: 'full', top: '112px', left: '5px', height: '26px', width: '90px', range: 'none'}). Attr ('src', 'http://www.annsbridalbargains.com/assets/ann/images/global/ selectedOption.jpg');  

