linux - Cross compiling: gcc with sysroot still can't find files -

I am trying to exceed the compilation for the ARMv6 device on my PC. Compilation of general programs is fine, but now I need some basic hardware labs to link to the program. So I copied the desired Shared Libs from device ( Device: / opt / vc to / path / to / cross-compiler / sysroot / opt / vc ) but GCC The complainant is not present about the header file / Libby, I think it is looking for them in the local root path, and the cross-compiler does not have sysroot.

The new files are as follows:

  ls $ (cross-compiler) / Sysroot / opt / vc ./include ./lib  

$ (cross-compiler) -gcc -v result here:

 configured with  here: --with-sysroot = $ (cross-compiler ) / Sysroot blah blah ... Ignore unknown directory "/ opt / vc / include"  

to indicate i path manually - sysroot Flag, but still does not work
How do I work it out?
