c# - How to change Application Settings during InstallShield Installation Process? -

I am completing the steps of my application and I still have to build the InstallShield project An installer is distributed to the application, although I have a flaw:

For SQL connections to my database, I am currently using application settings and with value Using a AppConnectingString connection string still, h It is important that if any other company is distributed, which will have a separate connection from its database, then it will need to change / configure

When a client installs my application One way to dynamically edit my app settings is to change the connection string, and if so, how is it done? I was able to accomplish something like I / P>

<"System Configuration" Itemprop = "text" field in the InstallShield installation designer.

Since your application settings are found in the app.config file, you can set up text file changes to find specific strings like "micere" and replace it with anything else The user selects the install time for his SQL server. (You will need to have a SQL Connection entry under "SQL scripts" to see the SQL Server Connection Dialog on installed time.)

This question is for 3 months at the time of this reply; Maybe it can help someone else on this issue ...
