java - Are multiple VBO's/DL's needed for different resolutions? -

I have a 3D app in which I represent the height as a height measurement. There will be less resolution than this far away from the terrain camera. Is there no choice but to create a top buffer object / display list for each offer, or will there be any method at the highest resolution, and in some way tell GPU to use only some data?

You have to implement an level expansion (LOD) algorithm. A detailed list of algorithms can be found with colorful pictures. I would suggest as an easy starting point. There are some interesting things that you can use or learn again.

In most simple implementations, the expansion of many different levels for different parts and one or more top buffers, the GPU can not reduce the level of description of geometry by itself, excluding the tossation shader, which That area used for vertex texting is also used for rendering (terrain data occurs when VBO is in texture rather than texture and roughness is different Trit is menu level).
