I have a Java SE application with the CDI / Weld ( org.jboss.weld.environment.se StartMain started
I am doing the injection of @ Sissington
in another bean:
public class CDM {@ inject private mesiglittan mycelington; Start at Public Zero (@ Observe Container Initial Event) {mySingleton.printHello (); MySingleton = Faucet; // other long moving stuff}}
I do not need a singleton bean after the printHello
method. When will it be destroyed?
It is not clear if @ signleton
beams destroyed at a specific point Will be done.
I do not trust him For example, during the Weld.shutdown ()
method, it is not called on @Sypington
Usage Bean, it's functionally similar (except that it is a proxy), which is also available in Java SE and when the reference to the application ends Then it will be 'destroyed'.
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