I created a custom user control and their problem is that the "OnPeriodTypeChangedHandler" property changes call back only once Fire control is designed for the first time, afterwards if I try to call the property through binding, then it does not fire at all. Any ideas?
# period Period type dependencies for public static reading PerdiTypeProperty = Dependency Property. Registration ( "Piriod type" Taipf (Piriodtip Enam), Taipf (period), new Fremvrkproprtimatetata (Piriodtipanet Knan, Fremvrkproprtimatdataopeshnsofffeyrrender new property Chenjd callback (Onpridataip Chenjedhandlr))); public static void OnPeriodTypeChangedHandler (DependencyObject get from, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {// set // public property TaregtCatalogControl say the current control of the sender e.NewValue // property value, eg ((period) from). Prepaid Type = (Periodontal Enam) e.NewValue; If (PeriodTypeEnum) e.NewValue == PeriodTypeEnum.Month) ((Term) Sender) .Periods = ((Term) Sender) .GetMonthlyPeriods (); (PeriodTypeEnum) e.NewValue == PeriodTypeEnum.Quarter) ((Term) Sender) .Periods = ((Term) Sender) .GetQuarterlyPeriods (); } Public PriorityPayment Period Type {Received} Return (Periodotype ANM) gatevalue (Periodontropproperty); } Set {set value (periodontotype, property); If you want to force your DP to bind
by default, you can specify it at the time of DP registration at
in this way you There is no need to set the mode of TwoWay at the time of binding.
public static read-only for DependencyProperty PeriodTypeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ( "PeriodType", typeof (string), typeof (MyTextBox), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata (PeriodTypeEnum.None, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions. BindsTwoWayByDefault, & lt; - New PropertyChangedCallback here (OnPeriodTypeChangedHandler));
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