- javascript load mvc @renderPage -

How can I use @RenderPage with javascript or jQuery page load? I have tried to do this but it is not working:

  $ ("# ActivePageContent"). Load ('@RenderPage ("/view / port.cshtml")');  

You are confusing server-side with customer-side code. @RenderPage is just going to dump the provided HTML directly into the response You can test the source of your page to verify that you have something It will happen that looks a lot ...

  $ ("# ActivePageContent"). Load (' gt; & gt; Title & gt; Title & gt; Some Page & lt; / Title & gt; ...');  

It is not clear what you are actually doing with your jQuery load () method, but do not go to @RenderPage

$ ("#result"). From

, load () is to take a URL: .load ("Ajax / Testhouse");

Maybe you want to write something like this?

  $ ("# ActivePageContent"). Load ('@ Url.Action ("Port", "Macintroler")');  
