ember.js - Javascript (Ember) I18N for a block, not just a string -

We are using our amber app to i18n, and yet it's fine. We have got a bunch of keys for the "cancel" and "save" and "do not do this" for the strings, but I'm not sure that the correct way to reach string-based IILN section is I. There is a warning from (I am searching for this lesson, but emotion is similar):


  • Windows 98
  • If you click on the next button, you accept responsibility for it. Do:

    If you agree, click on "I agree" to continue.

    Should I put only the keys in the language file for that block? A key to the whole Shebang, HTML and all? Or is there another way?

    Hi @ pizzomores I suggest you use a bunch key For two reasons.

    1. Here is the need to add both HTML tags and text as the value.


    Stop! What you are doing can not be reversed if you click on the next button, then you accept responsibility for it: & lt; Br> & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Three small children & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Greek lord debt crisis & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Windows 98 & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;

    I will be bad about my knowledge. Besides,

    2 will happen if you do & lt; Ul & gt; To & lt; Ol & gt;

    You need to convert all your language files into

    Happy coding.
