hex - Using Hexadecimal to represent a 7 bit code -

My Computer ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Exchange uses it I think that all these letters, symbols, and Uses a 7-bit code to represent the required number of English language.

It is my understanding that these 7 bits can be done with hexadecimal code. I thought that hexadecimal requires 8 bits according to the number 4 bits.

Some can interpret for me how a hexadecimal system can be used to represent code in 7-bit ASCII system.

Thanks in advance.

Not hexadecimal digits need of eight bits, each hex digit four bits can represent, but there is no upper limit, since you can just use the marks are:

  0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ...  

seven bit to represent the values, you can just use an eight-bit hex number of the lower half, through the 0x00 0x7F .

That's why you binary number is 0000000 Code> 1111111 .
