json - How to add one row with string to last row of UITableView in iOS? -

I use my website to get the JSON to mail Done

When I get the data for JSON 20 terms, I will show that data in UITableView .

In my case, I want to load more posts with string with tableview . "Because when I tap the" load more posts "line, I get my table view

I get the JSON data for NSMutableArray and NSDictionary of'm using and I am showing post UITableView .

so how do I add it?

Table view: (UITableView *) table view viewfileer Application: (NSInteger) section {UIView *

  FooterView = [[[UIView alloc] init] autorelease]; FooterView.backgroundColor = [UIColor Clear collar]; footer Vifrem = Sigrektmek (0, 0, 253,100); UIButton * button = [[UIButton alloc] init]; [button Setfrem: Sijiaraktmek (0, 0, 252, 50)] [button Settaitl: @ "load more" forState: UIControlStateNormal]; [Button.titleLabel Setfont: [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize: 20]]; [button Setbakgram color: [UIColor clearColor]]; [Button.titleLabel setTextColor: [UIColor blackColor]]; [button addTarget : Self-action: @Selector (BTN_load: :) for control events: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [Add Footer AddSubview: Buttons]; Tbl_location.tableFooterView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleToFill; [Button release]; See the return foot; } - (IBAction) btn_LoadMore: (ID) sender {tbl_location.hidden = TRUE; [Self load_jison_data]; } - (zero) load_json_data {// some code [tbl_location reloadData]; Tbl_location.hidden = FALSE; }  
