Using the PayPal API, when the user cancels the process or is redirected back to the shopping cart page for review of the order Is done, page URL contains GET parameter "Token" I do not want the user to see the token, so I redirect the page myself without query string, using the 301 redirect. The URL, including Hover, Token, is saved in browser history (at least in Firefox and Chrome) and appears as an autocomplete option when typing in the address bar.
The PayPal Express Checkout API does not have a parameter to create return requests instead of GET (in conflict with the form-based method with hidden areas) is there any way to redirect that browser Will not the original URL saved in history?
I also 302 and refresh: 0; Url = ...
- but also saves the URL ...
I don 'It does not seem that this can be done because the browser is seeing it as a unique URL and recording the user to be helpful. It's important to know the history for the browser, but I understand why you do not need to show it to the user.
If you were not using the PayPal API, then I do not use querying values in the URL Suggesting to do, but in this case it is probably indispensable.
Sorry to say, but I think you are stuck with it. I could not find any way around any PHP or classic ASP applications.
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