Skrollr - parallax background in relative div stops rolling halfway up viewport -

I have tried half a dozen tutorials and used Scholarly for several days to create really simple parallax layouts trying.

I have 3 divs that have background images, on different pages on different positions. Each should have it in terms of portfolio relative to its position in the viewport, not on the page layout.

How can I specify the relative mode of my life, and the duration shown in this viewer to scroll my background image

Here is my demo page:

The first image container on this page is:

  & lt; Div class = "imageContainer" data-bottom = "background-position: 50% -700px;" Data-top-bottom = "background-position: 50% 0 pixels;" Data-anchor-Target = "# Trigger 1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  

I do not understand the data-top or data-below settings should continue to scroll the image, as long as the container has left the viewport, but it stops initially .

In other words, the image keeps moving while reaching the top of the container above the viewport ... instead of the container should be below. I think.

Can anyone help ??!

I have answered my question. The image container should be 500px high, the data-top position should be started at 500 pixels.

Do this:

  data - 500-top = "background-condition: 50% 100%;"  

... where the top placement is set to 500

I hope someone helps!
