I have created several link buttons.
I want all the buttons to be in the same line
Every time I put a new button, it moves it to the next line.
Control of Public Zero (Composite Parent) {myComposite = new composite (parent, SWT.NONE); Grid layout descriptionsidegrid layout = new grid layout (); DetailsSideGridLayout.numColumns = 1; MyComposite.setLayout (detailsSideGridLayout); GridDataGridataData = new grid data (); MyGridData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL; MyGridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = True; MyGridData.verticalAlignment = SWT.FILL; MyGridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = True; MyComposite.setLayoutData (myGridData); DeComposite = new composite (myComposite, SWT.NONE); Rowlate DGgrid Layout = New Rowout (SWT.HORIZONTAL); DeComposite.setLayout (deGridLayout); Gridata deGridData = New GridData (); DeGridData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL; DeGridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = True; Create LinkLabelBeget Rating = (Decomposite); CreateDetailsde.setLayoutData (deGridData); // Create another button LinkBack (CreateDefender) myComposite.layout (); Private linksLabel createDetailsde (Composite DetailsComposuit) {// TODO Resource Manager Implementation LinkLabel LinkLabel = New LinkLabel (DetailsComposit, SWT.NONE); LinkLabel.setText ("test"); // $ Non-NLS-1 $ return linkLabel; } Make Private LinkLabelLinkleLabel (Composite DetailsComposuit) {LinkLabel LinkLabel = New LinkLabel (DetailsCompany, SWT.NONE); LinkLabel.setText ("test2"); // $ Non-NLS-1 $ return linkLabel; }
I get the error message error is org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData can not be placed on org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowData
Grid layout
You only have one column ( deGridLayout.numColumns = 1;
). There are two things that you can do:
- The number of columns you have to set up
, thebutton
s - instead of
(you do not have to define the number of items here)
Here is some example code:
public static zero main (string [] args) {display display = new display (); Last Shell Shell = New Shell (Display); Shell.setText ("StackOverflow"); Shell.setLayout (new grid layout (1, wrong)); Group first = new group (shell, SWT.NONE); First.setText ("RowLayout"); First.withoutout (new roleout (SWT.HORIZONTAL)); Group second = new group (shell, SWT.NONE); Second.setText ("GridLayout"); Second.setLayout (new grid layout (5, wrong)); (Int i = 1; i <5; i ++) {new button (first, SWT.PUSH) .set text ("button" + i); New button (second, SWT.PUSH) .set text ("button" + i); } Shell.pack (); Shell.open (); While (! Shell.isDisposed ()) {if (! Display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep (); } Display.dispose (); }
This is what looks like this:
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