Hi, I'm trying to connect smooth divs on my site:
Smooth Diw Scroll It is:
In the first page of the Easy page. There are 3 pictures of my birds that I see whether the greasy div scroll is connected.
This is their CSS image:
& lt; Div id = "makeMeScrollable" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "http://www.birds.com/wp-content/uploads/home/bird4.jpg" alt = "field" id = "field" /> & Lt; Img src = "http://www.birds.com/wp-content/uploads/home/bird.jpg" alt = "goom" id = "gnome" /> & Lt; img src = "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhq_T8ECMPloiqw2E2Q4VVaeqtH9Eha8wfOMyim_T3ZaMT-F1SUYugliwAfJ8S5XGnvQe19A-xKssm5GX8yhNGbgUAJr7ju6__rGP2hpnySHdvOWmHpfS55pklzxv-PyV6m8OqdetIBcj4/s1600/bird-1-wallpaper-1024x768-853745.jpeg" alt = "pencil" id = "pencil" / & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;
My child works in PHP I:
I included both the .min files and full JS files in the plugin's downloaded file from smoothscroll. I just pulled and my original themes in the js folder Pisces removed and more complete in the folder. JS files ignored.
I'm not sure that my function code has been written correctly, because in its name .min files, I have been briefly confused about how to incorporate them correctly. So why is it not connected? The .min files have five names:
- jquery.kinetic.min
- jquery.mousewheel.min
- jquery.smoothdivscroll-1.3-
- jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min
- jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min
looks like this back Php i have included functions to look this right? (Thank you for your help)
Debug your JavaScript:
- Open Chrome in the site
- Press F12
- Refresh the page, are you seeing an error?
UnkeyType error: Object Any method 'widget' - this error occurs if the jQuery.UI is not connected
- Create an external working sample, then insert
- Try to change the order of JS libraries.
- Try to exclude one after the other, respectively JS Library
- Change the incompatible library to another in the same or different version
sample html :
& lt; Div id = "makeMeScrollable" & gt; & Lt; img src = "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-B5j3nmGIRLY/Uh3PDcFW1GI/AAAAAAAADmg/6qMAB1d7E4Y/w439-h612-no/DSC_1841-Edit_HDR-v2-w900-RP.jpg" alt = "field" id = "field "/> & Lt; Img src = "Https://lh3kgugleussercontentkcom/-5JUmqJ5zOho/ufar5xP9l5LcI/aaaabb-u/dvkkilj3_p/v857-h6l2-no/in+living+klr+%25C2%25A9+lori+rubin_lr3452kjpg" alt = " Genome "id =" ganom "/> & Lt; img src = "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-NNtAD1d_Ekg/UgGad3929uI/AAAAAAAAXxc/oRerem5pkPg/w918-h612-no/Afternoon-2.jpg" alt = "pencil" id = "pencil" / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Sample Javascript $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# makeMeScrollable"). SmoothDivScroll ({touchscrolling: true, manualContinuousScrolling : True, HotspotScrolling: False, MouseWellyColing: False}};});
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