Spring data book purchased and try to install the sample code "MVN" on STS and do the following:
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF 4J: No Operation (NOP) Logger Implementation SLF 4G: For more information see http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder
// This is Maven Output
[INFO] Scanning for projects ... [INFO] ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] Spring Data Book [INFO] Spring Data Book - JPA [INFO] Spring Data Book - Mongodybi [INFO] Spring Data Book Spring Data Book - ZBCC [Info] Spring Data Book - Radis [INFO] Spring Data Book - Gemfire [INFO] Spring Data Book - RES Exporter [INFO] [INFO] [NFO] [Information] [Date A] INFO] Building Spring Data Book 1.0.0.BUILD-SANAGSHOT [INFO] [INFO] C: \ Spring-Data-Book \ pom.xml C: \ Users \ A27L4PT \ .m2 \ Repository \ Comm \ Orelli \ Establishing SpringData \ Spring-Data-Book \ 1.0.0. Bund-Snapshot \ Spring-Data-Book-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOTPOM [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] Building Spring Data Book - JPA 1.0.0.BUILID -SNAPSHOT [INFO] [warn] pom org.apache. Maven.plugins: maven-surefire-plugin: jar: 2.1.6 is unavailable, no dependency information available [INFO] [INFO] Reactor summary: [INFO] [INFO] Spring Data book ......... ......................... Success [3.292] [INFO] Spring Data Book - JPA ......... ................. Failure [0.074 s] [INFO] Spring Data Book - Mongo DB ........... .... ......... SKIPPED [INFO] Spring Data Book - Queries ....................... SKIPPED [INFO] Spring Data Book - Neo 4J .......................... SKIPPED [INFO] Spring Data Book - JDBC ........... .. .............. SKIPPED [INFO] Spring Data Book - Radis .......................... SKIPPED [INFO] Spring Data Book - Gemfire ........................ SKIPPED [INFO] Spring Data Book - Rest Exporter ....... ........... SKIPPED [INFO] ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- [INFO] Builder failure [INFO] ---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ [INFO] Total Time: 3.5 9 2 [INFO] Expired: Monday February 17 11:34:55 EST 2014 [INFO] Last Memory: 5m / 15m [INFO] ---------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ [Error] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-surefire-plugin: 2.1. 6 or one of its dependencies can not be solved: org Failed to read the artifact descriptor for .apache.maven.plugins: maven-surefire-plugin: Jar: 2.1.6: failure to find org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-surefire-plugin: pom: 2.1.6 http : //repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, the resolution will not be reissued unless the interval of the interval of the terminal ends or the update is compelled - & Gt; [Help 1] [Error] [Error] To see the complete stack traces of errors, re-run Maven with the -i switch [ERROR] To enable full debug logging, Maven, using the X switch, Run. [Error] [Error] For more information about errors and possible solutions, please read the following article: [Error] [Help1]
make sure about your postponement
& Lt; Version & gt; 2.16 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt;
this version may be incorrect on page 2.1.6
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