I can run the following PHP 5.4.16 CLI are: And I think that starts like this stderr will get a lot of debug output: is good for debugging on the CLI. However, I have Apache 2.2.15 because I have to debug from within mod_php'm seeing intermittent LDAP connectivity that is there I need can not reproduce on the command line. I think I see debugging information at the same address and Apache error log can run Web server, but the messages are not visible there PHP errors / warnings certainly I'm going to the error log, and I tried the Is there anything by which I can see those stderr debug messages when Apache is running?
ldap_set_option (zero, LDAP_OIP_DEBUG_LEVL, 7); $ Conn = ldap_connect (hostname); Ldap_bind ($ conn, $ ldaprdn);
ldap_create ldap_url_parse_ext (ldaps: // ldap .example.com) ldap_bind_s Ldap_simple_bind_s ldap_sasl_bind_s ldap_sasl_bind ldap_send_initial_request ...
error_reporting (-1)
, but those debug messages can not be found to show anywhere.
The answer is that those messages are being logged in, But in the different log file where error_log ()
messages goes to my Apache Conf, each virtual host has its error log file. There is also a global error log file where Apache startup / shutdown messages appear.
The other message I like to go went in LDAP debug scripts on a virtual host and define the hosts hoping error output error log ... But for some reasons, these LDAP debug lines are sent to global error logs.
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