In my MVC5.1 project I am using bundling and minimization with CSS recycled conversion:
Style bundle Include ("~ / content / site.css", new CssRewriteUrlTransform ()); Bundles.Add (styleBundle);
changes the image path related to the root of the site but, when I embed the images into CSS:span.file {background-image: url (data: image / png; base64, ivborvtkgg ... 2aaaaftfxcucc); }
Translating into
span.file {background-image: url (http: // localhost: 52253 / content / data: Image /png;base64.iVBORg...mcc); }
And obviously
~ / content / data: image / png; Base64 ...
does not exist.Any way to stop this incident, except to update the CSS files to not include embedded images? Or different in different CSS files, where the actual url is used and this file URL-transform. And just another CSS with embedded images
Scrap that question This is a known bug that is currently working through the URL embedded images and images I have to separate my CSS in
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