c# - how to save stream of image in datagridview -

Note: This is the Windows app, SQL Server, database as ado.net.

I insert images in the DataGrade view temporarily so loop through them and save each row in the database. Enter image details here I know how to insert a stream from a photo box like this

  MemoryStream Stream = new memorystream (); PictureBox1.Image.Save (Stream, System .making imaging.format.jpg); Byte [] pic = stream.ToArray (); SQL Commands CMDA = Include new SQL Commands ("Key word (item name, dateinterity, image, image index) values ​​(n '" + listbox. I.ToString () + "', GETDATE (), @image, 1) , CN); Cmda.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ Pic", photo); Try {Cn.Open (); Cmda.ExecuteNonQuery (); } Hold (Exception pre) {Message Box. Show (ex.Message); } Finally {cn.Close (); }  

I want to change the pictureBox1 with dataGridView1.Rows [x]. Call [1]. Value

My question is how to save images from DataGride Viveste?

You can go like this:

  image myImg = ( DataGridView1.Rows [x]. Cell [1]. Value as image); MyImg.Save (stream, system. Drawing imaging. Image format.jpg);  

or in a line without the use of a variable:

  (DataGrid view. Rows [x] .binger [1]. value). Save (stream, system, drawing .imaging format .jpg);  

You know that the value of DataGridViewImageColumn is image hence the conversion is secure.
