Powershell New-WebApplication successful but asp.net section missing from IIS manager -

I've created an automated deployment script using Pavarseld to one of our classic ASP applications.

Everything is done correctly and now the errors are shown and the application is created in the IIS Manager and executes the show.

When I manually show the same process carryout web application with IIS Manager, show three fields ASP.NET, IIS and Management .

The web application powershell script only produces with two fields, IIS and management displays.

The script line that I \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ Test: I'm used to create Web applications

  $ AppPool = "test" new WebApplication -site "default web site "-nam" Test "-PhysicalPath" C "-ApplicationPool $ AppPool  

the application pool also went created before web applications with the recent follow orders

< pre> new item $ AppPool set ItemProperty $ AppPool "managedRuntimeVersion" "v2.0" set-ItemProperty $ AppPool "managedPipelineMode" 1 set ItemProperty $ AppPool -nam "Enable32bitAppOnWin64" -Value "right"

Which also works correctly Appears for

Works correctly in Web applications created by Apple Script.

I have come to know this question which gives a description of the same problem, but I am only examining one response on this, on which anyone has the managed runtime option on the application pool set This will not be the case but it is set to be shown by the script at .Net 2 .

Can anyone put any light on me, but I can put some light on it.

When I was a web application with Pavarseld was no problem in asp. Net section in IIS I

in the end I used:

ConvertTo-WebApplication -PSPath "IIS: \ blog \ TESTPARENT \ Test \ Test -1"
