vb.net - Can't modify innertext of each htmlelement -

I'm coding a proxylaycture, but uses crawlers for each site. Now I have some control over webbrowser control The proxy list is the page displayed, so I need to add ":" to each proxy, so IP instead of IP will: Port and I can use regexes to get the proxy:

  Brochure.Documentation As Actimeleliment in Z for each type. All if the system Text. Regular Expressions Regedx.ismatch (cur.InteText, "(\ d {1,3}.) {3} \ d {1,3}") then cur.InnerText = cur.InteText & amp; ":" End if next  

but this does not work, why?

Have you tried using the ASCI code for the colon?

  cur.InnerText = cur.InteText & amp; "& Amp; # 58;"  
