My application has always worked fine, but suddenly we have begun to rise above error in a portion of your application. .
As a MVC application, MVC creates a webconfig
file for each area. I compared the file from the area (area) to webconfig
Which works with my error area and is exactly the same.
Did anyone have a problem in the MVC application, where a part of the website is giving this error and other parts are working properly?
I get an error: HTTP error 500.19 - Internal server error The requested page can not be accessed because the page's related configuration data is invalid.
On my machine there is IIS7.5 and I have tried the Microsoft website and tried to resolve them but no one is working for me.
Troubleshoot Webconfig:
& lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; ConfigSections & gt; & Lt; sectionGroup name = "system.web.webPages.razor" type = "System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorWebSectionGroup, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" & Gt; & Lt; Section name = "Host" type = "System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission = "false" / & Gt; & Lt; Section name = "page" type = "System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorPagesSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission = "false" / & Gt; & Lt; / SectionGroup & gt; & Lt; / ConfigSections & gt; & Lt; System.web.webPages.razor & gt; & Lt; Host factoryType = "System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" / & gt; & Lt; Page page page type = "System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage" & gt; & Lt; Namespace & gt; & Lt; Add namespace = "System.Web.Mvc" /> & Lt; Add Namespace = "System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" /> & Lt; Add Namespace = "System.Web.Mvc.Html" /> & Lt; Add Namespace = "System.Web.Routing" /> & Lt; / Namespace & gt; & Lt; / Pages & gt; & Lt; /system.web.webPages.razor> & Lt; AppSettings & gt; & Lt; Add Key = "Webpage: Enabled" value = "False" /> & Lt; / AppSettings & gt; & Lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; HttpHandlers & gt; & Lt; Add path = "*" verb = "*" type = "System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler" /> & Lt; / HttpHandlers & gt; & Lt ;! - Due to the validation of request verification in the watch pages due to verification, the controller is already being processed on the input. By default, a controller verifies the MVC request before the input process. To change this behavior, apply ValidateInputAttribute to a controller or action - & gt; & Lt; Pages validateRequest = "false" pageParserFilterType = "System.Web.Mvc.ViewTypeParserFilter, System.Web.Mvc, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" pageBaseType = "System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage, System. Web.Mvc, version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35 "userControlBaseType =" System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl, System.Web.Mvc, version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35 "& Gt; & Lt; Control & gt; & Lt; Assembly = "System.Web.Mvc, version =, culture = neutral, publicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" name space = "System.Web.Mvc" tagPrefix = "MVC" /> & Lt; / Control & gt; & Lt; / Pages & gt;
& lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; Validation valid integrated integrated configuration = "false" /> & Lt; Operators & gt; & Lt; Remove name = "blockview handler" /> & Lt; Add name = "BlockViewHandler" path = "*" verb = "*" precondition = "unified mode" type = "System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler" /> & Lt; / Operators & gt; & Lt; /system.webServer> & Lt; / Configuration & gt; It is only on our local machines (we have recently started working in 2013, this can be an issue) P> < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">
Here is a useful link from the MSDN blog that lists 500.19 scenarios and solutions. I hope this will work.
Update: Have you checked your handler mapping under the feature deletion in IIS? Select your server node in IIS, in "FEATURES VIEW", open "Feature Delegation" and see that "Handler Mapping" is set to "Read Only". According to this, (To post another link to me, please forgive SkakeWorld people on your site, :) Set this value to "Read / Write", Resolve this problem Credit goes to .
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