ONVIF: Creating a new Video Encoder -

I am developing an application to watch video streams through ONVIVIF where the need for a video is constantly changing . The main problem I have is that the camera is in a place where the connection is in the cut times.

At this moment, I'm going to change the resolution of a camera using the application "SetVideoEncoderConfiguration" request (changing the desired parameters), and video is getting streamed with "GetStreamUri" request, But my goal is not to request through ONVIF and instead, I want to have a profile stored for each type of resolution and upload the video straight away, stream example on my player For the load straight. (RTSP: // ONVIF: test@ profile = profile_1_h264 & sessiontimeout = 60 & streamtype = unicast)

In the beginning, only once, Two profiles, one with a different "VideoEncoder" (higher resolution and another for less resolution)

My question is to create one with: So, I intend to do the following: If I " GetCompatibleVideoEncoderConfigurations "get" Video Encoders "for your camera with the request, so my camera only gives a single" Video Encoder ", this New I want to make two video encoder. Is there a way to create a new "Video Encoder" via OnVIF? The answer is no, is there any alternative to achieving my purpose?


Description of the ONVIF developper guide In Chapter 7.2, the CreateProfile process.

Instead of GetCompatibleVideoEncoderConfigurations, it seems you should use GetVideoEncoderConfigurations to get the list of encoder configurations.

You can see that onvifdm 2 can create 2 profiles with different encoder configurations.
