I am using Hibernate 4.3.0 in the maven project. When I try to run MVN dependency: The tree shows a complexity Problems for dom4j in Xml-apis.jar.
[INFO] | + - dom4j: dom4j: jar: 1.6.1: compile [INFO] | | - xml-apis: xml-apis: jar: 1.0.b2: compile
If I extract xml-apis jar from hibarate-core like below, then this problem will be solved.
& lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.hibernate & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Hibernate core & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 4.3.0.Final & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Exclusions & gt; & Lt; Exclusion & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; XML-apis & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Group & gt; XML-apis & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; / Exclusion & gt; & Lt; / Exclusions & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt;
Is there any way to solve this by leaving the jar from the hirebar-core?
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