java - Strange error while trying to create a Web Service consumer on Lotus Domino Designer (8.5.3) -
I'm stuck on a problem that I can not find the answer, no matter how difficult I am Google I am Lotus Domino Designer I am trying to make a WS consumer version 8.5.3.
I have already tried with three different WSs and the answer was always the same. Here's how:
WebServiceEngineFault faultCode: {}Server.generalException Defectpacebode: faultString: Error connecting to Android; Www.webservicex .net & amp; Could Port & amp; Apos; 80 & amp; nbsp; Apos ;, you must enable notes TCPIP port. FaultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: Error connecting to '' on port '80', you must enable notes TCPIP port. Lotus.domino.axis.InternalFault.makeFault (Unknown Source) on lotus.domino.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke (unknown source) on lotus on lotus. Domino.Exis.Stotties Invocationratrategy Lotus.domino.axis.SimpleChain.invoke (unknown source) on the lotus (visit unknown source) .domino.axis.SimpleChain.doVoiting (unknown source) Domino.exis.client.exis client.valk (unknown source) on the lotus. Domino.exis.client Lot.invokeEngine at Lotus.domino.axis.client.Call.invoke (unknown source) (lotus.domino.axis.client.Call.invoke Command (unknown source) lotus.domain.exis.cliet Call on (unknown source) Lotus.domino.axis.client.Call.invoke (Unknown Source) on lotus (unknown source) at Lotus.domino.websvc.client.Call.invoke (unknown source) .NET on .webserviceX.www JavaAgeent.AngeleUnitSoapStub.changeAngleUnit (AngleUnitSoapStub Java: 11) at (unknown source) on nautosamine (unknown source) lotus domino.agentbase.ron notes (unknown source). Reason: Error in connecting to '' on port '80, you must enable notes TCPIP port at lotus.domino.axis.transport.http Lotus.domino.axis.transport.http at lotus .NotesSocket.openConnection (native method) at domino.axis.transport.http.NotesSocket. & Lt; init & gt; (unknown source). HTTPSender.getSocket (unknown source) ... 15 more
What I did was importing wsdl from a simple web service (Web Service X), For the sake of testing for a web service consumer, I came to it in my Java agent Tried and tried to call a method. The agent code looks like this, I think it can be a lot easier:
import lotus.domino *; Import NET.webserviceX.www *; Public Sector Java Agent AgentBase {Public Zero Notes Man () () {Sessions session = getSession () tries; AgentContact AgentContact = session.getAgentContext (); AngleUnitSoap stub; Double retal; Println ("Start"); AngleUnitLocator locator = new AngleUnitLocator (); Stub = locator.getAngleUnitSoap (); RetVal = stub.changeAngleUnit (180, angle degree, angle println ("end");} hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace ();}}}
And the result was the same and the result was the same.I declare that I can not understand the TCPIP error.Port Lotus Domino Designer is open on the Priorities section, and then, for testing, I wrote a small Java agent Retrieves the html of the page and has done it successfully until I mess up I'm not saying, I say that communication is working fine, I really do not know what I'm doing wrong. I'm probably remembering something very clear, thank you very much for your kind help. I tried to minimize my question as much as possible, but do not hesitate to ask additional information, I deeply appreciate my kind of help on this
My kind contender, Carlos
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Specify your source code in your source code. I believe that the web service you are trying to consume is a sample.
On the very top, you can see:
xmlns: soap12 = ""
This means that the web service is using SOAP1.2. Domino only supports SOAP1.1, as it is detailed on
If you want to create your own, then there is one on the appwiki wiki.
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