We are in the process of switching from assembly to a geethb repository for our KPHP project. Currently, the output from "Cake I18N extracts" looks like this:
... #: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/our_project_name/trunk/app/ Controllers / wall_controller Msgstr "" "Some error messages" msgstr "" ... ...
Where does the prefix come from? (I think it's set to somewhere in a configuration file, but I could not even get a "grep or root" for the "enclaiah" in the App / Config.) I would like to know so that I can change it instead of gitHub repository To indicate the prefix
not from cake php
Extracts work in PO files when they are extracted A utensil file generated by the cake will appear like this:
-> Remove console / cake i18n ... - & gt; Cat locale / cakepot # LANGUAGE translation of CakePHP application # Copyright year name & lt; EMAIL @ ADDRESS & gt; Msgstr "" "Project-id-version: Project version \ n" "Port-creation date: 2014-02-19 15: 12 + 0000 \ n" "PO Modified Date: YYYY \ N" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE & Lt; EMAIL @ ADDRESS & gt; \ n "" Mime-version: 1.0 \ n \ n "" Previous-Translator: NAME & lt; EMAIL @ ADDRESS & gt; \ n "" Content Type: Text / Plain; Charset = UTF-8 \ n "" content-transfer-encoding: 8 bit \ n "" plural-form: nplurals = INTEGER; plural = expression; \ n "#: view / errors" messstr "The requested address% s was not found on this server. " #:. Msgstr "The requested address% s was not found on this server". Msgstr "An internal error has occured." #. Msgstr "" "It is possible that assembla modifies these hosts to point to their hosted location when viewed online, or the previous developer has changed the reference in the PO files (Note that the removal is not the work of PO files generated To do, only pot files). If you are still looking at these conference references in your pot files - check that the removal work in the cake folder has not been modified. , And there is no app / console / command / task / extract kits.fp file which can override the core target at run time.
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