extjs - Ext.get('myPanel').el.setOpacity(0.65) is not working in IE 8 compatibility mode -

I try to set opacity for the ext for the extjs (4.2.1) panel (whose id myPanel) I am doing .Get ('myPanel') El.setOpacity (0.65) . It works fine in Firefox and Chrome but not IE 8. The ultimate goal is to make the panel transparent so that the user can see it. Anyone can help me on this ...

Ext just CSS property "Opacity" or Alpha transparency for HTML elements This is not nearly the case supported in IE8.

You can use the plugin though, or you can hack IE to make it compatible.

Check for example or for example.

See also an example of your problem, and how PIE is used

When you use third party plugins, you can also: / P>

Add the following rules to your property's CSS

/ * IE8 * / - ms-filter: "Prozed: DXImageTransform Microsoft.Alpha (Opacity = 50)";

/ * IE 5-7 * / Filter: Alpha (Opacity = 50);

You can also do this with Ext.js using Ext.get ('myPanel'). El.setStyle () e.g.

  Ext.get ('myPanel'). El.setStyle ('- MS-Filters', 'Progress: DXimage Transforms. Microsoft. Elfa (Opacity = 50)');  
