im facing a heterodyne issue, I've defined an object (for applications globally) In which array object is visible
var _global = {document: {}, // represents the selected item};
And in my service I have something like this
_global.document.signers = [{name: 'test', email: 'test @ test .com '}];
Its work is fine now if I
_global.document.signers.push ({name: 'test', email: 'test @ test. Com '});
And in the controller I use
var signers = _global.document.signers;
This works fine
_global.document.signers = [[{name: 'newtest', email: 'newteest @ test') < / P> .com '}];
The global object is updated, but the view does not present new values and if I change it then it starts to present new values
Wrong. Any help would be appreciated
thanks for the help @shani I have solved it using
< Code> var drafts = globalService.getGlobal (); // global service $ scope.draft = draft to maintain global goods;
and in the view
& lt; Ul class = "list-volatile font-11px" & gt; & Lt; Li ng-repeat = "(signerIndex, signatory) draft.document.signers" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;
Assign your global object to your controller area, because the services are unity if If there is a change in service objects, your administrator will automatically respond to it.
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