I need a function to create a datafile name with a suffix, should be the current date and time.
I want to date, February 18, 2014 15:02:
But that's what I get Is: Data_2014218152.txt
My code ...
import time prefix_file = 'data' tempus = time.localtime (time .time ()) suffix = Str (tempus.tm_year) + str (tempus.tm_mon) + str (tempus.tm_mday) + str (tempus.tm_hour) + str (tempus.tm_min) name_file = prefix_file + '_' + suffix + '.txt'
Leading padding, which you can use for this Zero examples are on month:
import from time strftime name_file = "{0 } {Code}
If you start an integer again for the string using, then it will not have leading zeros:str (2) == '2'
. You can specify it using thestr.format
syntax:"{0: 02d}". Format (2) == '02'
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