Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Over the air installation of apps -

What is a way to install applications signed on air on windows 8 and

Windows Phone 8 Platform?

I'm looking for something similar with my itms-services: // Yuri scheme. In fact, I want to direct users to a web page where they can download and install a signed application package on their device by clicking on a link.

But it seems (with the information I collect from available documents) allows Microsoft to install the app using Windows Store Or (in the case of Windows RT, 8 Pro and 8 Entreprise) or (in the case of Windows Phone 8).

Is this really the only one available?

Thanks in advance.

You can use it for the phone. This will not be displayed in the store and will be available only to users who have registered through your Microsoft account. The app will run through authentication and therefore will not be hosted on your own server.

For Windows 8 you will still have to go through the side loading route because there is currently no beta testing facility available.

