How to call and run Matlab script in C# Windows Application -

Is there a way to run a matab script (without the function) in the C # Windows application? When I click on a button in my C # form then I would like my Matlab script to run I tried the Matlab compiler to create my script and received the DLL and also used the private MLApp .MLAppClass Matlab; But I'm also not sure how to run it and code in the button function.

Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

  using testNN; Public Partial Class Form 1: Form {Personal Testing NN Class 1 matlab; Public Form 1 () {Initialization (); } Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs) {try {matlab = new testNN.Class1 (); Matlab.resourceforecast (); } Hold (Exception pre) {Message Box. Show (ex.Message); }}  

The easiest way COM approach. See also

COM approach and other methods.

An example, inspired by:

  M = CreateObject ("Matlab.Application") m.Execute ("script_name");  

As a side note, when googling for queries in C #, it is usually more efficient than with .NET instead of problem (like "matlab. Pure integration ") can be easily implemented in all .NET environments.
