I am developing a package with Ajax line and GI components, GUI is built with the Django web app
Then the package structure will be like this:
/ my_packagel .. .... / gui
........ manage.py
.... .... / django_project_name ........ / App
Then I will call my package from another directory like / other_directory .... .my_package_manage.py ..... / Projects_folder
When I call my_package_manage.py, I can successfully call my_package script which is a pag The path is set up properly. But when I try to start the DNS server, it shows that the 'app' module has not been received,
How can I bring it to the parent package from the Danger Runner? How can I find the 'project_foulder' for the DJENGO app that is in PasteColler script (my_project_manage.py)
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