I'm making an Android app with pieces.
I already have a skeleton but I want to execute some code when I press a tab button I mean, I choose another tab and I go to the second activity view.
I want to execute and do AsyncResponse and now I have it on onCreateView which I have seen that it is executed during the launch of tabs in main activities.
Is there any way to execute when it is shown? I have tested the Android developers but I have not got anything.
This is the second tab activity:
increases the public square second viewpoint piece asyncResponse {private String urlServer = "http: // url /"; MyTask asyncTask = New My Task (); @ Override Public View Creatives (LayoutInflator Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {asyncTask.delegate = this; See Routeview- inflater.inflate (R.layout.secondView, Container, Incorrect); AsyncTask.execute (urlServer + "TEST.php"); Return root view; } @ Override Public Zero ProcessFinnish (JasonArere Output) {Log.i ("Test", Output.Testring ()); }}
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