xpages - How can I save (submit) a document from a xe:toolbar basicleafnode? -

I have a strong desire that XE: use the toolbar control to save documents, but I can not understand that How to do this I have this code and it has been found that navigating is easy. But saving ...

  & lt; Xe: toolbar id = "toolbar 2" & gt; & Lt; XE: this.treeNodes & gt; & Lt; Xe: basicLeafNode href = "whereToGo.xsp" label = "save and close" & gt; & Lt; XE: this.onClick & gt; & Lt ;! [Cdata ["& ​​lt; here goes? & Gt;"]] & gt; & Lt; / XE: this.onClick & gt; & Lt; / XE: basicLeafNode & gt; & Lt; / XE: this.treeNodes & gt; & Lt; / XE: toolbar & gt; On the basic side, the onclick event of the node is only for client-side js.  

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