java - Not able to generate proper request with KSOAP -

I am using ksoap to consume soap webservices in Android.

The following request is that I generate:


The following request format is that I need someone else because the webservice does not respond appropriately:


The problem is adding xmlns = "" to the email tag

Also the response is correct if the request format is the following:

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; V: envelope xmlns: i = "" xmlns: D = "" xmlns: c = "Http: // "xmlns: v =" "& gt; & Lt; V: Header / & gt; & Lt; V: Body & gt; & Lt; N0: registerUser xmlns: n0 = "" & gt; & Lt; Email & gt;< / Email & gt; & Lt; / RegisterUser & gt; & Lt; / V: Body & gt; & Lt; / V: envelope & gt;  

Please help generate any of the two acceptable formats. Thanks
