python - How to multiply my list by each number of it (mini calculator) -

I have searched Google and Python documentation and Stackoverflow and I am really confused and can use anything Methods have not been proven right.

  divisors = [] Prime_N umbers = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,43,47,53 , 59,61,67,71,73,79,83,8 9, 9 7] first_french_number = intestine (input ("type the first number of your part" + sign)) second_fraction_number = int (input ("second number type For your part "+ prompt", I am in the range (lenan (prime_param)): if_fraction_number% para_head [i-1] == 0: divisors.append ([prime_numbers [i-1]] #divisors = divisors + prime_numbers [I-1] alif secs_fraction_member% head_number [i-1] == 0: divisors.append ([prime_numbers [i-1]] #divisors = divisors + prime_numbers [I-1] #mmc_number = operator.mul (separator, 1) mmc_number = 1 divisors = (replace (",", "") (",", "")) print (separator) len_div = len ( Divisors) #divisors = Map (int, divisors) for the category (0, lan_div) category: if type ((divisors [i])) == int: print ("test")  

I know there is a lot of mistakes in my code because I do not know how to do it ...

I have tried:

  Print (Decrease (operator.mul, 

did not work too much.

  print (minus, (mul, map (int, divisors)))  


All you have to do is remove [] after divisors .

  divisors = ["2", "3"), from 
import mul print (minus, mul, map (int, divisors) , "5"]

If, you should do the following

  divisors = "2 5 7" Working with Ator import mul print (lower (mul, map (int, divisors. Split ())) # 70  
