javascript - Angular best practice (in this situation) for passing data between controllers - service or routeParams? -

I am quite new to Angelur JS and I know that this question has been asked before (so hopefully I will not be able to vote) but I have not found a question matching my situation.

I want to send a search code (about 4 fields) from a search page (my hometrack) to a listing site.

Anything that I have read, uses assertiveness to use another server / data, based on Limiting CTM already an API (which currently makes the data difficult) Uses a factory / service to get information. Between the search page and the list page (and forgive me if I'm missing something) why not just pass these extra parameters as a route ??

If you want to know - I'm partially using the route parameter to navigate around the app and pass some simple ID between the pages.


If you want constant data to stock,

This module uses localStorage () (or the cookie if you use IE)

Unexpected example :


  myApp.service ('Controller Sharing Data', function () {var __variables = {}; return {get: function (Varname) {Return (__variables [varname]! == 'undefined')? __variab lace [varnam]: false;}, set: function (varna In value) {__variables [varname] = value;}};});  


  myApp.controller ('IndexCtrl', function ($ radius, controller SHaringData) {controllerSharingData.set ( 'Toto', 'hello world');}); MyApp.controller ('ListCtrl', Function ($ Scope, Controller SHaringData) {Warning (Controller SHaringData.get ('toto'));});  
