How to enter 4 reclamation before pattern fairs
I can
sed '/ patterntosearch4 / g' 1.txt & gt; 2.txt
After each pattern to create a new file (2.txt) with a blank line.
But how to enter the first 4 blank lines? / P>
The Manpant SED did not seem to answer.
Any help is appreciated!
This can work for you (GNU sed):
Sed '/ patterntosearch4 / i \\ n \ n \ n' file
or if you want:
sed -e '/ patterntosearch4 /! B '-e' g 'a' / / (. * \) \ (. \) / \ 2 \ 2 \ 2 \ 2 \ 1 / 'file
As you < Using the code> g command, which joins a new line after the line with the pattern of the match, I had guessed that you had inserted a new line before the line with pattern matching.
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